With a life insurance policy, the focus is often on the insured (the
person whose life is covered by the policy) and the beneficiary (the
person who receives money if the insured dies while the policy is in
force). The third role associated with life insurance is that of the
policy owner also called the policyholder. As we tell people at our
Yuba City life insurance agency, if you are considering buying a policy, it is important to understand your role as the owner.
Ownership Rules
There are very few restrictions around owning a life insurance
policy. Any adult or legal entity can have life insurance on another
person. The only requirements are that there is what’s called an
insurable interest (meaning the death of the insured would negatively
impact the other party) and mutual consent. The most common life
insurance scenario involves one spouse having life insurance on the
other, so that the surviving spouse won’t suffer financial hardship if
their partner dies.
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